Monday, 29 June 2009

I like to draw with both a pen and a needle, sometimes at the same time. (actually I haven't tried that yet, but now I've thought of it I will!) 

My work involves using a domestic sewing machine to make drawings with but I still like to use a pencil from time to time.

I am currently working on a series of stitched drawings which will depict the interior space of my workshop/shed. The intention is to start at one point and work my way around until I return to my original starting point. I will be posting my work in progress on this blog drawing by drawing.


  1. Just discovered your work through Poppytalk. I'm just amazed...
    Two questions:
    1) How do you take the pictures? It looks like the fabric is somehow hanging in front of the space that has been "stitched-drawn", so that the elements overlap. Am I right?
    2) Would it be ok to include a picture of your work, along with a link to this blog, in the "sewy blog" I share with two other friends?

    Thanks, congrats, and good luck with your endeavors!
