Friday, 25 February 2011

Some close up images of the Ordsall Tapestry.

Detail of "The Ordsall Tapestry" showing a couple of stitched belly dancers. Also an appliqued silhouette of a belly dancer made from fabric printed with patterns found within Ordsall Hall.

This detail shows a lady with blue hands. This lady is attends a day centre for the elderly just across the road from Ordsall Hall. She told me about the area she grew up in and how her mother worked in the local Velvet dyeing mill. Her mother would come home from work everyday with different coloured hands!

In this detail we can see stitched drawings of some of the local schoolkids.
But also in the background is a silhouetted image of a woman in white. She is the White Lady a ghost which haunts Ordsall Hall.

This is a detail from the other end of the piece showing some more schoolkids and another mysterious lady holding a candle. She is another version of the White Lady, this time a Victorian lady holding a candle.