Saturday, 22 August 2009

Stitched Girl walking on the print table

Well I'm back from my Normandy travels and rather than getting on with the rather more urgent stuff, I'm mucking about as usual. Here's my attempt at a little animated stitched drawing. She is walking across my dirty old print table, hence all the background splodges. She just goes backwards and forwards at the moment but one day I'll send her on a proper walk!


  1. Hi, thanks for following on twitter. I must say I've had a look around here and I'm just blown away. Would you be prepared to do one of my "View from the Shoe" interviews (I'm afriad it would be mid-October B4 it went up, but I would love to feature you).

    You can find samples evevry Monday on my blog ( - it's a wekly column highlighting the best of creative twitter - we've had artists, poets, milliners, even extreme knitters, but never anything like this. The questions are always the same.

    Very best,
    Dan (

  2. Hello Rose
    When I chatted to you at The Women's Library (Museumaker) you were so self effacing saying, "Oh you won't know me I'm not important." Well of course I know your work! I saw your piece in Art of the Stitch and have definitely seen your work other places over the years. Art Textiles3?
    Just wanted to say hello. Love the animaton . I can appreciate the work it takes as I have an enthusiastic animator in my family. I blog too but haven't dipped my toe into the Twitter sphere ...yet. You are inspiring!

  3. This is so totally awesome!!!!! I just discovered you! Love your work!
